Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Take Two!

Hello :) Today, I don't think that I have anything in specific to talk about, I just felt like I needed to talk for a little while.
The topic I am writing about is another quote... well, not really a quote, but something that I saw on tumblr! I guess I am not too original, but when I read it, I immediately started to think about what it really meant. Anyways, let's get to that quote! 

I think what messes us up the most is that we all have this perfect picture in our minds of how things are supposed to be.

This really stuck out to me. Most of the time, when we have any problems, or if we like someone, or anything like that, we think that, for multiple reasons, it is THE worst, and that will not survive. I know that sometimes I can feel a little depressed, and I can think that my life is terrible, but what I am coming to realize is that having the right mindset is extremely important. 
Let me try to explain my thoughts on this a little more.

I think that these days, we all have expectations of how things should be. We all know how we should look, act like, how we should be seen in the eyes of others, how our relationships with friends and family should be.... 
I think that even how we fight, or how our relationships go bad, don't always go they way we would have liked..Here's the thing.... We have gotten our expectations from so many things today...

 I think we all have an idea in mind by now, of the perfect scene from a movie or book, or just the perfect senario that you would like your life to be like.... but after seeing this little saying, I realized that maybe if we (or at least for myself) stop trying to make everything so perfect and stop having such unrealistic goals in our lives, we could get a better outlook on life, and I think it might just make everything a *little* bit easier. 

Well, that's all I have to say about that for now, but I hope this puts things in a little bit of a different perspective for you :) Gooodddbye <3 

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